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Enhancing Equine Performance and Safety with Advanced Wearable Technology

Like many professional sports, the use of wearable technology has revolutionized the ability to analyze an athlete’s performance and horse racing has adopted this technology to enhance the care and performance assessment of its equine athletes. Just as fitness trackers monitor human activity, Keeneland utilizes similar devices to gather invaluable data on its horses during races.

At the forefront of this initiative is the use of advanced StrideSAFE sensors that are discreetly integrated into each horse's saddle cloth. These state-of-the-art sensors meticulously monitor the biomechanics of each stride and help identify any deviations or abnormalities that may signal potential issues.

What sets StrideSAFE technology apart is its ability to recognize the individual nuances of each horse's movement. Over time, the wealth of collected data constructs a comprehensive profile for every horse, offering insights into their performance and well-being.

Capturing a staggering 2,400 data points per second, this information can be distilled into a user-friendly scale ranging from 1 to 5. A lower number signifies lower risk, akin to a green light on a traffic signal, indicating optimal conditions for competition.

Post-race, this scale serves as a crucial tool for veterinarians and trainers. A rating of 1 assures that all systems are go, while a 3 prompts caution and could signal a potential issue that warrants attention. A rating of 5 signals the need for thorough diagnostics.

By leveraging this wealth of data, Keeneland can help enhance the performance of its equine athletes while continuing to prioritize their safety and well-being above all else. Furthermore, by fostering collaboration among Kentucky racetracks through the adoption of StrideSAFE technology, a collective effort is being made to ensure that a holistic profile of every horse’s history is being aggregated over time.

In blending the art of horsemanship with the latest advancements in veterinary science and technology, Keeneland continues to renew its commitment to fostering a culture of safety and excellence within the racing community.