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Keeneland Sales & Racing Update, April 28
April 28, 2020To our customers:
We hope this email finds you and your family well. It's hard to believe that this is typically a week with so much buzz and excitement in our industry leading into the first Saturday of May. We look forward to the days when our industry is fully up and running again.
Toward this goal, Keeneland is committed to do everything possible to ensure a safe and secure environment for conducting Thoroughbred auctions this fall and to maintain market stability. As you saw yesterday, Fasig-Tipton has moved its July and Saratoga yearling sales to Kentucky in September. Keeneland has been in conversation with Fasig-Tipton's leadership team for several weeks as part of a constructive effort to benefit our horsemen and our industry.
Moving forward, we are working together to establish standardized protocols for sale operations in 2020 that will be adopted by both auction houses beginning with the September sale season. We will communicate these policies to you as they are formalized. We believe that consistent guidelines across all Keeneland and Fasig-Tipton sales will allow you to properly plan your buying and selling activity in the months ahead.
As we approach the end of April, please keep in mind that the entry deadline for the 2020 September Yearling Sale is this Friday, May 1 with an extended withdrawal window. During this unique time, it is critical to showcase your yearlings in the world's premier marketplace, and we hope you find confidence in the stability and unparalleled buying bench that Keeneland September provides.
We wish you all the best, and hope you stay well during this period.
Bill Thomason
For ongoing updates relating to Keeneland sales in 2020 visit keeneland.com/sales2020.