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Keeneland Sales & Racing Update, May 19
May 19, 2020We hope this email finds you well. The past week has certainly come with some highs for racing in Kentucky and lows within the Keeneland family.
It was wonderful to see the successful return of racing on Saturday at Churchill Downs, and we are optimistic that the baton will be passed to us at Keeneland for racing later this summer.
However, the loss of our colleague, longtime Keeneland auctioneer Cris Caldwell, was tough news over the weekend. Cris was an absolute master of his craft and delivered a first-class experience to the connections of every horse – from Book 1 to Book 6. Most importantly, though, he was truly a friend to our entire industry. His warmth will be deeply missed at Keeneland and among the Thoroughbred community.
Please continue to stay well and read on to find a few new updates relating to Keeneland sales and racing below.
Bob Elliston
September Sale Walking Video Program
Since we announced our virtual inspection program for the September Yearling Sale a couple of weeks ago, we’ve received wonderful response from our customers along with some questions relating to what you can expect prior to the sale.
As a reminder, new for 2020 we will offer the opportunity to capture walking videos for all horses in the September Sale and host them digitally online. Keeneland Broadcast Services will coordinate the filming of professionally produced videos for Book 1 & 2 yearlings for those sellers who wish to take advantage of this new service.
We’ve assembled a document that provides a helpful overview of the program, and answers a number of your frequently asked questions.
Please click here to review and print this information, which is also available at Keeneland.com.
Catalog Renewals
This week we kicked off the catalog renewal process for the next year. You will receive instructions via email on how to renew your catalogs by logging in to your account through the Keeneland Sales Portal.
We encourage you to complete this process in the coming days to ensure you receive catalogs for the 2020 September and November sales, as well as the 2021 January and April sales.
Summer Stabling
We were pleased that Gov. Andy Beshear has approved our proposed health and safety protocols for racing and stabling at Keeneland this summer. As a result, beginning last week Keeneland expanded summer stabling on a limited basis to allow another 400 horses to enter our backside.