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Notice to Red Mile Patrons

June 8, 2020

Dear Valued Guests,

We are so excited to announce that we are reopening our doors and welcoming you back! We will be making every effort to ensure our guests and team members are as safe as possible. With your safety in mind, we will be opening on Thursday, June 11th at 12 pm Noon. This will allow us time to test all of our employees before they return to work. Please follow us online and through our social media channels where we will continue to provide full updates on safety standards, available venues, amenities, and services.

For now, occupancy is reduced to ensure proper social distancing. We want to let you know that we are here for the community and thank you for working with us to be as safe and healthy as possible.

Our phased reopening was thoroughly discussed and considered with the help of public health professionals. Here are several of the important steps we are taking to keep you and our team members healthy:

Entering: We ask all simulcast patrons to enter from the East side of the apron. There will be directional signage to assist you. If elevators are required, please enter through the first floor gaming entrance. There is the possibility of wait times on both floors as we are functioning on a limited capacity and have increased safety protocols.

Masks: All guests and staff must wear masks. Masks are required upon entry and Red Mile encourages masks to be used while inside.

Social Distancing: We will be practicing Social distancing in all areas on property. There will be markers throughout the floor to help you as you queue at Player Services, Cashier, Food outlets, and ATMs/ TRUs. You will also notice some games are turned off and chairs removed to ensure proper distancing.

Sanitizing: We have increased the frequency of cleaning all high touch areas throughout the building. If at any time, you want more attention to your game, just alert a staff member.

Hand Hygiene: Hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the facility for both patron and employee use. We encourage all guests to also wash their hands frequently, and employees are required to follow hygiene protocols.

Temperature & Health Screenings: Thermal scanning will be implemented at entrances for all guests and employees. Employees will also have a more in-depth health screening prior to each shift.

Air Quality: All areas on the gaming floor will be Non- Smoking for the time being. We ask all patrons to be sure to smoke at least 25 ft from the building and out of the way of entrances and exits.

Food Safety: We will be following safe food practices and sanitizing all equipment. Menus and seating will be limited for the time being.

We will be sharing more information about our capacity and procedures for guests as we get closer to our reopening date. Likewise, we will be sharing our amended promotions schedule with you.

We cannot wait to see you again beginning Thursday, June 11th. All bets are on!