Shipping and Stabling

Please review details on Keeneland's shipping and stabling policies through the information below.


Spring Meet

April 4-25, 2025

View Ticket & Admissions Policy

Stall Applications

Stall applications for Spring Stabling are due Saturday, March 1 | Barn area opens Monday, March 17

shipping procedures

Ship In

All vans and trailers must report to the main chute near the stable office upon arrival to the grounds.

Van drivers must present the following documentation to the chute clerk prior to horses being unloaded. 

  • Names of horses seeking entry
  • Name of corresponding trainer 
  • Horses’ previous location
  • Current Coggins for each horse
  • Current health cert with EHV-1 vaccination date for each horse

If all paperwork is satisfactory and in order, the chute clerk will present the driver with an “ok to unload” slip and direct horses to the assigned barn.

Shipping Procedures

Ship Out

Horses seeking exit from the grounds must obtain an “out slip” for each horse from the Stable Office which includes:

  • Name of horse seeking exit
  • Name of corresponding trainer
  • Location where horse is shipping

The “out slip” must be presented to the security personnel posted at each gate exit for departure from the Keeneland grounds to grant exit.

If you have a veterinary emergency and need to transport a horse off the grounds immediately during overnight hours, please call Keeneland security (859) 288-4296. 

Rice Road Stabling

Race Day
Equine Shuttle

Rules of the
Barn Area

Horseman Traffic And Parking

The horse path between barn rows 20 and 30 is restricted to credentialed vehicles only during racing and training hours.

  • Trainers stabled in row 20 barns may have assigned parking spaces along the main road. 
  • Trainers stabled in row 30 barns may have assigned parking spaces along Barn 30 facing the Track Kitchen.
  • All other stable employees, including grooms, hot walkers, exercise riders and assistant trainers have a designated parking lot between Barn 9 and the Track Kitchen. Individuals must present his/her KHRC license and access will be granted on a first come, first served basis.